Million Dollar Retail Sales Programme & Complaint Letter Guide

The “Million Dollar Retail Sales Programme” is for Retail Furniture store owners who want to generate One Million GBP in additional sales to their business. Sam King created this because most are sick and tired of inconsistent cashflow, wondering where their next client will come from and working in their business rather than having their business work for them.

Sam helps them get the freedom to live the life they want, help their sales team up-sell and cross-sell with ease and turn their existing customers into a tribe of raving fans that actively promote them and their business.

Bottom line, he generates One Million GBP in additional sales to their business in 2 years or less, Guaranteed.

How does it work?

There are 3 components that are included in the Programme.

Sales Training

Any top sales or growth minded person knows that learning never stops!

Consistent training is key to success and studies show you must keep going over the same content so it is engrained in your minds. It needs to be repeated so much that the content second nature and instinctual to you. In reality, it’s a complete paradigm shift.

Sam says he has a coach that tells his clients to read his book 10-15 times to ensure the information is received.

This is why there are live weekly 1-2-1 coaching calls on an e-learning platform that helps serve and support retail store owners and their salespeople to hone in on their knowledge and find the missing links that could swing a sale.

There is also a full day of in-store sales training as a bonus for fast movers.


Relationships are the key to growth and success, not cold advertisements. Would you rather risk spending money on google and social ads (Mark Zuckerberg has enough money without giving him more!) or would you rather have other people referring you to their friends, families and clients?

A referred lead spends more, haggles less, already trusts you, is more inclined to buy first time and shop around less.

Mastering your mindset

Limiting beliefs are the biggest singular issues that many people face in stopping them from achieving their dreams and goals.

Be very wary of any Programme that does not have a mindset element included as the likelihood is you will hit a wall at some point and need a way to breakthrough.

This is where we help you unlock certain beliefs to keep the momentum moving forward. 

This Programme is a long-term investment and not a quick fix as we’ll be working together very closely for 2 years at a minimum. Every member of the Programme must get along and have the same positive, growth fuelled mindset. Thats why there is an application process.

The fees for the Million Dollar Retail Sales Programme are linked to results too.

If you’re successful in applying, the initial investment is 25% of the total fee, then 25% is paid when you have increased your business by One Hundred Thousand GBP above current pace and the remaining 50% is only paid when you have increased One Million GBP above current pace as a direct result of joining the Programme.

Do you want to increase an extra One Million GBP in your business? If yes, click here to apply on a Strategy Session to see if Sam can crush it for you.

Before you get into that, here’s some useful information and a letter to help with complaints.

We always like to think every one of our clients have a fantastic seamless experience with no hiccups along the way… In the real world however, no matter how hard we try, this isn’t the case… Things happen.

Perhaps a supplier was late delivering their product and that led to major disappointments. There could have been an issue from a salesman ordering the wrong colour/specification leading to issues.

And maybe (just maybe!) you served that one in a million client that wasn’t comfortable with their purchase and also had a hint of an attitude problem and decided to blow up instead of discussing the issues, no matter how hard you tried.

It goes without saying you must apologise and empathise with your clients’ issues to make them feel heard and understood. Letting them vent and get the issues off their chest while facilitating and maintaining a safe, non-judgmental space that more often than not is enough for them to give you a second chance to rectify the issues.

Here’s something that hardly any other company is doing though… After you or a similar person in a high managerial/director role has apologised, you should write them a letter.

The letter should reiterate what you have said in store or over the phone to your client and empathise with their issues and how it has affected them. It will then explain how you are trying everything in your power to rectify the issues and what you have to offer. 

Below is an example letter you can copy, paste and use straight away:

“Dear Mrs Smith,

As you’re a valued member of our [Insert Your Business Name] family, I’m writing to apologise for the service you were given in regards to your purchase of the [Insert Model They Bought] on the [Insert The Date They Bought].

We understand how much you wanted your dining table for your Mothers Birthday as you’re having a family get together on 2nd April 2024.  

Please accept this offer of the loan table to ensure you arent without on such an important day. 

Be rest assured that as soon as your new dining table comes into stock, we will deliver and install on a day of your choosing.  

Thank you for bringing this to our attention and are changing internal operations to ensure that this doesn’t happen again.

If you have any other questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally.

Assuring you of our best attention at all times, 

David Green [Must Be Hand Signed]

Managing Director [The Higher The Position The Better For Authority]

Top Furniture Ltd

P.S. Please don’t worry if you mark the loan table. We know how rowdy Mother’s Birthday parties can be! 

(I’ll leave it up to you whether you put a joke in or not. It depends on whether the Client has a sense of humour)

Send this letter on a quality letterhead piece of paper, matching quality envelope and a first class stamp, minimum.

Preferably it should be recorded or even special delivery. By doing this you will retain some clients, even the ones that were badly scorned. But here’s the real golden nugget…

Even with the ones that don’t come back, this method dramatically decreases the chances of them bad mouthing you to their friends and family and writing negative reviews online and social media.

Do this after every service issue to maintain and even strengthen the relationship with your client’s on the backend every time.

To get in touch with Sam, book a session below. or email

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