Bernard Eaton, Founder and Managing Director of Greenwood Retail, reflects on their recent award win.
Sales promotion company, Greenwood Retail Ltd comes of age along with winning the Big Furniture ‘Best Sales Promotion Company 2023’ award, as voted by the furnishings industry.
Going from a one-man-band to become “the UK and Ireland’s leading firm in this specialist field,” according to founder and MD Bernard Eaton, has been an epic journey and a truly British success story. “This award means a lot and received with grateful thanks,” said Bernard.
“It seems like yesterday when I launched our first Greenwood sale,” Bernard continued. “We held three sales back in 2002, our first year. Since then, at the time of writing, we have averaged around 50 sales a year and completed 1,100 Greenwood Sales for hundreds of quality retailers across the UK and Ireland! This a real home-grown success story and there are good reasons why no other company has held more of these sales promotions in the UK and Ireland than Greenwood.”
Greenwood’s clients can testify that their copyrighted sales promotion generated sales ranging from 25% to 100% of their annual turnover (depending on the nature of the event and other variable factors), with high margin maintained in just 17 days trading, even during economic downturns.

Jade Farthing, MD of furniture retailer Haskins in Shepton Mallet, commented on their recent Greenwood Sale, which was held in August 2023. “Never in a million years would I have believed that we would make so many sales in such a short time. We exceeded our sales target in the first five days of the three-week event! It’s been absolutely brilliant.”
Cy Fogel, MD of You’re Furnished in Essex, who held their own event earlier this year back in January 2023, added: “I’m shocked again! I have held 14 of these Greenwood Sales over 12 years. I had a figure in mind for the total of our five-week January 2023 Sale. We did it in the first five days! It works every time no matter what. War, pandemic, unrest, strikes, falling house prices, inflation, it just keeps working. It’s well worth it financially too, plus, we always win loads of new customers, and my turnover keeps going up every year. So, what’s not to like?”
On the notion of thriving through any economic situation, Bernard said: “We have found that despite economic ups and downs, Greenwood Sales consistently generate the same extraordinary uplift in retail sales and that’s why most of our business comes from repeat and recommended retailers. We’ve been going for long enough to have clients who have held ten, twelve even fourteen consecutive annual Greenwood Sales in the same store and they absolutely would not keep coming back if the sales were anything other than consistently profitable and worthwhile for them.”
Greenwood Retail specialises in organising high-profile sales events, on behalf of quality independent retailers, all over the UK and Ireland. Many of their clients are members of AIS and Minerva. “We utilise the most effective marketing methods and channels from traditional to state-of-the-art, including the latest version of our extraordinarily effective Greenwood Digital Marketing Campaign to ensure your maximum return on budget,” says Bernard.
“After 21 years in the business and with 1,100 Greenwood sales events across the UK and Ireland completed, Greenwood has gained valuable experience of planning and organising retail sales in this marketplace, than any other sales company in the world. This means that no other sales promotion company in the world is better qualified to help independent UK and Irish retailers get the best out of their next big sales event.
“Your business could benefit from holding a Greenwood Sale. We can usually outline sales projections and costs from a brief discussion, either in person, or even over the phone. Contact us today on 07771 700247 or visit to find out more.”