Sweet Dreams: The Rebrand Plan

Nick Williams, Sales Manager at bed manufacturer Sweet Dreams, shares a teaser into their rebrand plans.

On the subject of branding, a quote from Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, springs to mind: “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” This sums up the purpose of a brand – it’s everything. It’s who and what you are and stand for. It’s far more than just a logo.

As with many long-established businesses, there comes a time when a rebrand is required. And it can take years of planning. For Sweet Dreams, which was founded back in 1988, this year marks a milestone in its history as they prepare for their big rebrand unveiling.

Working with brand guru, Guy Marson from Nettl Worcester, he reaffirms the meaning behind a brand. “Branding is all about giving a meaning to an organisation, a product, services or even a place, by shaping how people feel about that brand. Brand is all about helping customers identify products and organisations and to give them a reason to choose one over the other by identifying what a particular brand is, and what it is not.”

For Sweet Dreams, Nick Williams, Sales Manager, revealed just why now is the right time. “We have decided on a rebrand in order to shift the perception of the bed, mattresses and upholstery ranges, from one of quality, service, value and mid-market to one of premium quality with good value for money.

“Anybody who knows Sweet Dreams, knows that they are premium quality, but the perception in the market is they may be more of a value brand. Identifying the Sweet Dreams brand values and value proposition with a new identity, will demonstrate to the market that after 36 years of bed manufacturing and handcrafting in the UK, that they are a well-established, committed and passionate, family-owned businesses that is here to stay, grow and bring some creativity and innovation to the comfort and sleep market.

“Choosing the right time to rebrand is often quite complicated, a new brand can evoke a new lease of life, and help with predicted growth, and demonstrate to new customers in the market that there is a great sense of brand unity across the business and creating a shift in perception can make perfect sense to rebrand. The current brand has served the business well for 36 years, but it’s not in line with current and future thinking.”

As part of the rebrand, which remains tightly under wraps for now, Sweet Dreams is reflecting, identifying and committing to their brand values, defining these values, so that everybody in the business can live up to them. “We have strong brand values and always have, but this exercise is making us look to and commit to identified values,” Nick said.

“We have worked with Guy on several furniture projects over the past 20 years, and I felt that Guy had a particular affinity to Sweet Dreams, he is a customer after all! His proposal ticked all our boxes. We’ve spent a significant amount of time, money and people resources into this investment that will continue way past the brand launch.”

Nick added that it’s been “tough” at times but mainly “rewarding” through the rebranding journey, where “there is a light at the end of our branding tunnel and the creative stage awaits”. In a time where there are constant challenges within the industry, it is testament to the business to continue to invest for the future. Watch this space, as next month will unveil more.

“We all know it’s tough with footfall down, ecommerce slowing with the cost of living and geopolitical unrest, but there is a cautious optimism for the autumn with the launch of our brand-new product range. There will be more details in the July edition, so we’ll see you there!”



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