Performance-powered brand marketing

Leon Calverley, founder of digital marketing agency Door4, explains how the agency is setting itself apart with services and insight specifically tailored for the homes and gardens sector.

As advertising costs rise and the efficiency of marketing campaigns wanes, businesses know all too well that maximising the value from any marketing spend is crucial. Performance marketing agency Door4, which specialises in helping companies operating in the home and garden sector keep on top of the latest ways to acquire and convert today’s consumer in the digital space, shares this ethos.

Mirroring the fast-paced advances in digital technologies, and ways brands can reach consumers through digital channels, Door4 is continually evolving its own business to ensure its services meet the needs of industry. With a history spanning 25 years, today it identifies as an impact-led marketing partner delivering solutions for organisations globally. Comprising experts across a breadth of specialisms, its team adeptly tackles clients’ biggest challenges, providing strategic guidance through to seamless implementation.

“One thing has remained steadfast in our approach over the decades, and that is helping our client partner businesses to achieve growth, is the ‘how’ businesses can achieve optimum results from their digital marketing budgets that changes,” Leon says. “We centre our services around two core pillars of delivery. Performance and Service Levels. Without performance, there is no commercial gain for the client. Without high service levels, there is no trust, no faith and there can be no lasting relationship. We combine the two, helping clients grow with us, leading to successful long-term partnerships.”

Door4’s process begins with a tried and tested planning framework, encompassing the four Ms of market, message, media and measurement. It believes that a fundamental element to any marketing activity is knowing your customer, how to reach them and how to persuade them. Knowledge into audience behaviours in the homes and interiors space is key too. Here, data must drive how to ensure brands are in front of the right people at crucial stages of the purchasing journey.

“Customer psychology plays a critical role throughout this purchase journey,” Leon said. “Our approach to experimentation spans throughout this, from the ads we place through to the websites we generate traffic for, knowing what makes our audience tick is the key to effective and profitable campaigns.

“We fuse the power of modern digital media with traditional, proven marketing strategy to deliver growth and profitability to our clients. We work with leaders within businesses to help the business to define, articulate and execute its strategic vision as a robust marketing plan, through offering an objective view of the audiences’ lens.

“We then determine the most effective way to allocate campaign budget across digital and traditional channels. Our data-driven approach ensures that every media choice is strategically selected for maximum impact, delivering your message to the right audience at the optimal time and place. 

“We create campaign assets, leaning on our broad understanding of brand, media production and marketing communications. From striking visuals to compelling narratives, our team expertly crafts each element to resonate with a target audience and amplifies brand message.

“The fourth element of what we do is to continually monitor campaigns to ensure they are on track, optimising, adjusting and refining. Our approach is rooted in a cycle of constant improvement, where we gather insights, measure performance and review strategies to dynamically adapt and enhance a campaign’s effectiveness.

“There has never been a more crucial time to have a robust and effective marketing strategy based on a deep understanding of your customer. After all, it’s no secret that it’s set to be a tough trading year for all sectors – and homes and interiors is no exception. Retail footfall is down, shoppers are spending less and, although as a whole, marketing budgets are rising, so too is ad spend and competition. That’s not to mention changes to how marketers can target audiences in a cookieless world.

“To support marketers and business owners operating in the homes and gardens sector, we’re holding a free campaign planning event focused on improving conversion rates, lowering CPAs and making your ads work smarter. It will take place on Thursday 6th June from 9am to 12pm at Brockholes Conference Centre in Preston. Please visit to register.”

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