Meet the Agent/Rep – Ian Dormer

In the next instalment of our series of interviews with agents and reps across the furnishings industry, we spoke with Ian Dormer who shares an insight into his new role at bed manufacturer Vogue Beds Group, as well as career highlights and challenges.

Meet Ian

I’m newly appointed as the London and Northern Home Counties agent for Vogue Beds Group.  I am also the sales contact for Samer Furniture, and the UK agent and distributor for Neuhaus Lighting Group.

How long have you been an agent in the industry?

I’ve been an agent for 17 years but most of that has been in the lighting industry.

What drew you into the life of an agent and what’s the day-to-day like?

I was UK MD and UK Sales Director for two of the larger European lighting brands and I got tired of the internal politics that brought with it. In 2007, a former colleague from Germany offered me the UK agency for his lighting brand and it started from there. My days are now as full as I can make them.

What is the best part of your role?

I like the autonomy and challenges. I gained so much knowledge and experience working for major companies that I now get to use for the benefit of myself and the companies I now work with. There are some great brands out there that without agents would never be in the retail marketplace.

What is the most difficult?

Overcoming complacency – if we don’t move forward, we fall back. How many smaller brands have failed because they could not persuade buyers to look at their product or their offer was wrong? This was one of the reasons I have joined Vogue Beds Group – a good product, a great team, a new vision and, for me, a fresh marketplace to take it to.

Do you have any particular highlights so far?

Many, over the years, and that’s part of the role but building a brand from almost nothing to having a market presence is always gratifying – something I could not have done without the customers that believed and supported me. I’m hoping the furniture and bed retailers of London and home counties will give me the same opportunity my lighting customers do.

What challenges do you think currently face agents in the furnishing industry?

I think there are challenges for both agents and companies alike. The market still has some way to go to recover and we cannot increase the speed of that, but we have to be ready for when it does. Suppliers need to be innovative and moving forward rather than just static, agents need to be active and talking to their customers, and retailers need to look to the suppliers that are supporting them with products on which they can make margin. It’s the usual circle.

What would you like to see change?

Good sales people are always in demand but many companies don’t value the input an experienced and active agent can bring to their brand so, to companies, I’d say trust in your agents. To agents, I would say be professional and active.

What would help agents more?

Is this a trick question?  More commission, obviously. 

What would you say to someone considering becoming an agent?

Do it, but make sure you can support yourself in the early days. The rewards are there both financially and in satisfaction, but they take time to realise.

What is the most important attribute to have as an agent and why?

Integrity. Because without your reputation you will never be trusted.

Can you share something that irritates you the most as an agent?

Laziness. Those agents who just take the commission and give the rest of us a bad name.

Can you share an insight into your plans for the year ahead?

I’m planning to be busy! It’s early days for me with Vogue Beds Group but I’m looking forward to it. With the new ranges and focus I’m sure we are going to be a brand that retailers will be wanting to talk to.

What’s the next big thing you are seeing in the industry and why?

This market sector is too new for me to comment on but Vogue’s move to sustainability and the use of recycled materials is definitely a selling point for our customers. Retailers need to come and see what we can offer them against their competitors. / 07745 763251 /

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