Letter from China: Just another day

Paul Wray, Managing Director of Furntec Ltd and Modern Outlook Furniture, shares an insight into quality control and the importance of maintaining high standards.

The biggest part of our day is Quality Control (QC), and having worked in China for over 25 years, it’s imperative that you have a complete quality control procedure in place for checking each and every one of your products being made.

Now with a full QC team working across China, and overseeing the team and its reports, it’s good to know that the products you are producing are as you ordered for the customer. I have seen many horrors over the years, and it still happens with products being made substandard and shipped without any checks being made by customers buying directly from factories. To give you an example, one particular factory produced a complete run of sofas, in a completely different colour fabric to what was originally specified. When I asked why, I was told by the factory that they had run out of the particular colour ordered so they decided to put on a fabric that they thought looked nice! It happens, so don’t get caught out.

For me, it’s also very important I visit my teams across China to not only check what they are doing but to support them in their job. It can be very lonely when your based in a factory in the middle of nowhere for weeks quality controlling and checking product with no direct contact from the company. Support is always needed and trust me; you will always get the best from your staff when you show you actually care and take notice of what they do.

Our teams undergo thorough training from our company and emphasis the BEST QUALITY must be achieved for each and every one of our customers, no matter how big or small.

Please, if you are buying from China and you have no QC in place checking your products being produced, don’t leave it to chance. Our company offers a complete AQL (Acceptable Quality Limit) service where we select product from production for inspection to determine if the customers product order has met the specifications. Based on the sampling data, the AQL standard can help determine whether to accept the product or reject everything.

Modern Outlook Furniture assists businesses of all sizes in procurement from China at any stage of your project. If you would like a no obligation conversation about how we can assist you and help you avoid any costly issues or nasty surprises, please do get in touch!



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