Lectra enriches its Furniture On Demand offering

Lectra, a major global player in the fashion, furniture and automotive markets, has announced the launch of its enhanced Furniture On Demand by Lectra offering.

This solution automates, streamlines and provides total visibility on the on-demand production – unit and series – of furniture products, thus making it possible to implement smarter and more sustainable manufacturing.

At the same time, the Group is launching a new intelligent and connected generation of cutting equipment for furniture, the VectorFurniture Q2 and VectorFurniture iX2.

In 2018, Lectra played a pioneering role by launching its Furniture On Demand by Lectra offering to enable them to automate their production on demand, thus facilitating the production of small series at the same rate as mass production and promoting material savings.

“Today, we continue to innovate by enriching this solution with Valia, our digital platform for preparing and planning the production of upholstered furniture,” explains Maximilien Abadie, Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Product Officer at Lectra.

“Furniture On Demand by Lectra connects all the components of the cutting room and facilitates the processing of orders and the use of production data. Our customers thus have additional advantages to optimize automated manufacturing flows and material consumption on their various production lines. With this new offer, they are fully committed to Industry 4.0 and thus benefit from a notable competitive advantage, offering new growth drivers for more sustainable production.”

Hosted in the Cloud, the Valia digital platform connects to Lectra equipment in the cutting room, but also upstream to the customer’s ERP system, allowing it to receive and automatically optimize the processing of orders and send them to the cutting room, without human intervention. This digitalization, exploiting real-time data, automates and simplifies each step of fabric cutting, from preparation to execution, including planning.

The Valia platform makes it possible to integrate production rules known to a few rare experts within the cutting room in order to secure operations, standardize practices, mix and automatically allocate cutting orders to the right equipment to optimize material gains.

Valia’s automated management offers upholstered furniture manufacturers the ability to visualize different cutting room processes to identify necessary adjustments, escalate alerts and make instant decisions to improve cutting room performance and thus optimize their production on demand.

In conjunction with its new Furniture On Demand by Lectra offering, Lectra is launching the new generation of fabric cutters, the VectorFurniture Q2 and VectorFurniture iX2. This new equipment is specially adapted to quickly and easily ensure the transition from small volume production to more significant order volumes, while improving cutting quality.

The VectorFurniture Q2 and VectorFurniture iX2 have a high level of connectivity thanks to numerous integrated sensors which makes them fully compatible with Industry 4.0.

Eco-designed, this equipment consumes 30% to 40% less energy than the previous generation, already renowned for its energy performance, for greater efficiency. They are more compact and 200 kilograms lighter, significantly improving their environmental impact during production, transport and use.

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