How to gain long term sustainable success

In recent months, Sam King, founder of From Fear To Mindful, has shared an insight into his free toolkit and why it’s an industry game-changer for furnishing retailers to help double sales. In our latest catch up, he discusses some success stories.

“The Toolkit has had so many success stories. From helping retail owners see huge returns on revenue to simply reinforcing what they already know,” Sam said.

“The best compliments you can receive aren’t necessarily the highest paying clients seeing massive results. For me, the greatest ones are when you give away your best knowledge and unsolicited positive feedback comes back and people thank you for the positive effect you have on their life and wellbeing.”

One particular salesperson who read Sam’s toolkit shared some feedback of how he gained a £8,000 order from one simple tip. “Apparently, he would normally give his clients a price and then give them the ‘Death Stare’, his words, not mine! Obviously, this isn’t the easiest way of going about getting orders and it certainly won’t strengthen the relationship between company and client. Which is what we stand for,” Sam continued.

“Instead, I ask my clients to only ask for the order when they know their prospect is ready to buy. This means that there is an air of peace and tranquility between them and the natural next step is to place the order. When there is a little bit of awkwardness however and something just seems a little ‘off’ I ask my clients to ask their prospects, ‘You seem a little hesitant…?’. This provides them with enough emotional respite to then bring up any objections that they may have which can then be overcome in a loving way.”

Sam says that hard closing is a thing of the past and people appreciate a softer approach now, not to mention it slashes the chances of buyer’s remorse and the referral rate skyrockets through the roof. “Repetition is a huge factor in seeing long term success. Many people and sales trainers for that matter believe that a one-day course is enough for their sales teams to increase their knowledge and turn into top salespeople.

“Many people however can’t just absorb all of that information at once, never mind process it and understand the theory and mindset that goes along. It’s all about working that mental muscle and keeping going over the skills that work.

“I had another client achieve a 30% increase in five weeks because every week we went over the new scripts we were implementing. If we hadn’t had done this over and over and over again, her team wouldn’t have remembered it. It’s not because they were lazy or didn’t want to succeed, it’s human nature to not take everything on board in one sitting.”

Sam added that he has a coach that advises his clients to read his book 10-15 times. Many people think this is excessive but readers only take in between 8-10% of the information each time at best. “By reading it this number of times, you take in all the information and the nuances that make the difference. The exact same is in this training.

“Being there as a source of support and enforcing the skills helped bring the new thought process out and slowly but surely, they understood the ethos behind the script. Going from being transactional to having a ‘giving’ and ‘advising’ mentality. It takes time but once you have it, it comes naturally. She’s well on her way to doubling her sales now.”

Furthermore, some managers have even printed off the toolkit and given it to their sales team to rehearse and roleplay when there are lull periods between customers. As Sam says, “that’s dedication, right?!”

In fact, there are around 800 retail and business owners across the globe using the Toolkit at the minute from the US and UK, all the way to India and Kenya. “It’s funny, no matter what culture you’re in or what language you speak, people’s psychology is exactly the same,” Sam said.

“People want to be heard and understood and like their opinions matter without a battle. Make people feel like that and you’ll win every time. Oh, and everybody loves a freebie. So, throw in an incentive for referring your company and they’ll love you even more.”

For retailers looking to enhance their sales but are unsure of committing to such a toolkit, Sam says the Nike approach of ‘Just do it’ will help transform the mindset. “If you’re unsure about downloading the toolkit, I recommend you just do it anyway. It has a resale value of $497 and I’m giving it away for free.

“There are 13 actionable tools that you can implement to help you and your business succeed and grow. The ‘Envelope Method’ is one of the tools that you will receive in the kit and that alone has bought in the 100’s of Millions of Dollars and 10X’d businesses.

“If you implement that referral strategy you will see huge gains in revenue, I guarantee it. If it doesn’t, reach out to me personally and I’ll create your own referral strategy free of charge, I’m that confident. But there’s one catch, you must implement it consistently! Not just when you feel like it or when it’s the flavour of the day.

“Do it each and every time a client buys from you and you will see the benefit. It doesn’t matter if you own an independently owned furniture store with your wife or if you own a multi-million-pound corporation with 50 stores. This toolkit will give you the expertise you need to make a huge difference.”

As Sam concludes, there is “no other company in the world doing what we’re doing. We aren’t just sales trainers, we’re relationship strengtheners. We strengthen the relationships between you, your clients and businesses in your community. This is how you gain long term sustainable success.”

Get the free toolkit here.

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