Homeware high street sales grow during June

Homeware sales returned to positive territory on the high street overall, while instore sales jumped double-digit for a second straight week.

According to the latest BDO High Street Sales Tracker, total like-for-like (LFL) sales rose by 2.67% for the week ending 16 June 2024.

Homeware total LFLs grew by +6.33%, offsetting a negative base of -2.14% for the same week last year, signifying the category’s eighth positive result so far in 2023.

Store sales for homeware grew by +11.80% from a weak base of -2.24% for the same week last year, marking four positive results in a row for the category and ninth positive so far in 2024.

Total in-store LFL sales ticked up +1.68% from a positive base of +5.36% for the same week last year. Driven by double-digit lifestyle and fashion sales, total non-store LFL sales leapt +18.21% from a base of +4.34% for the same week last year.

Commenting on the results, BDO said: “June’s unseasonably cool and wet conditions continued this week, with lower-than-average temperatures combined with spells of heavy rain across much of the UK. This week’s generally chilly weather was a stark contrast to the same week last year, during which the UK experienced sweltering conditions due to hot and sunny weather that saw temperatures in the mid to high 20s.”

Due perhaps in part to this week’s mixed weather conditions, footfall was depressed across all destinations this this week, falling -4.0% overall, pulled down in particular by high street foot traffic which fell -6.3%. Retail park and shopping centre footfall were also down year-on-year, falling by -1.3% and -1.8% respectively compared with the same week last year.

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