ercol celebrates successful debut branded store launch

Furniture manufacturer ercol has revealed a successful opening of its first branded store.

Situated on Kings Road in Chelsea, the 3,500sqft flagship store has introduced the company to a new audience and demographic, whilst strengthening the brand’s UK distribution.

Alongside the physical launch, the franchisee has also gone live with a dedicated store website,, while all staff have been trained at the factory with somebody in the store present to help with any trade and interior design requirements too.

Reflecting on the launch, Arno Koch, Sales & Marketing Director at ercol, said: “As with all new ventures there were a few challenges, but overall, the launch has been successful and we are already seeing new customers discovering ercol.

“The store will evolve over the coming months, and we plan continued improvements in our point of sale, evolving our instore communication, as we engage with the London clientele.

“In the first instance we need to strengthen the brand’s presence in London, while simultaneously introducing our collection to the interior designer community.

“Developing the trade side of the business has been on the table for some years, but now that we have the physical location in Chelsea, we can action these plans.”

Furthermore, Arno hinted at potential expansion, once proof of concept is achieved. “Being our first franchise store the focus for the time being is solely on the Chelsea store,” he said. “Once we have proven that the model is successful, there will be opportunities to look at further locations within the M25.”

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