Appointment of Liquidators

Company Number: SC691974

Name of Company: DWH TRADING LTD

Nature of Business: Retail of furniture

Type of Liquidation: Creditors

Registered office: 12 Carden Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1UR

Principal trading address: 37 Broad Street, Peterhead, AB42 1JB

Liquidator’s name and address: Michael J M Reid, of MHA, 12 Carden Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1UR.

Office Holder Number: 7327.

Further details contact: Michael J M Reid, Tel: 01224 625554, Email: michael.reid@mha.co.uk. Alternative contact: Zaneta Resiak, Tel: 01224 625554, Email: zaneta.resiak@mha.co.uk

Date of Appointment: 23 October 2023

By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors

Ag KJ81544

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