Bensons for Beds winter duvet sales surge

National beds and mattresses retailer Bensons for Beds has seen a surge in winter duvet sales as consumers look for alternatives to heating homes.

According to a survey of 1,500 consumers, which was commissioned by Bensons, it uncovered that four in 10 intend to heat their home less frequently than in previous years and 32% will turn the heating down.

With the energy price cap set to increase this January to £1,928 for a typical household, millions of consumers (71%) will be resorting to drastic measures to stay warm and avoid costly heating bills.

Almost a fifth can only afford to heat one room, 62% will be wearing layers of extra clothing indoors and 38% will be relying on hot water bottles to combat the cold.

Whilst over third are relying on additional bedding like thick winter duvets to keep warm without the central heating on.

Sales of Bensons for Beds Slumberland All Seasons 3-in-1 duvets have increased by 40%, the retailer revealed, while it has also seen a 75% increase in demand for TV beds, as 61% of consumers plan to use fewer rooms to keep costs down with living rooms and bedrooms the most popular places to prioritise.

Lisa Richards, Head of Marketing for Bensons for Beds comments: “The average annual energy bill stands at almost £2,000 which many households just can’t afford. As a result, we’ve seen a huge surge in demand for Winter duvets, as Brits look for new cost saving ways to keep warm for less this Winter. 

“Choosing a good quality duvet such as a 3 in 1 All Season duvet where you can sandwich different tog rated duvets together means it can cater for all temperatures throughout the year and costs as little as £59.99 for a double, which equates to 16p per night.” 

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