Appointment of Liquidators

Company Number: 10226854

Name of Company: ABITIAMO LTD

Trading Name: By Arredo

Nature of Business: Italian Furniture Import & Retail

Registered office: c/o G Teoli & Co, Balfour House, 741 High Road, LONDON, N12 0BP

Principal trading address: Flat 12, Burlington House, Wedderbum Road, London, NW3 5QS

Type of Liquidation: Creditors Voluntary Liquidation

Liquidator’s name and address: Joint Liquidator: Constantinos Pedhiou (IP number 014852) of Begbies Traynor (Central) LLP, 1 Kings Avenue, London, N21 3NA.

Liquidator’s name and address: Joint Liquidator: Yiannis Koumettou (IP number 015676) of Begbies Traynor (Central) LLP, 1 Kings Avenue, London, N21 3NA.

Date of Appointment: 21 March 2023

By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors

For further details contact Tommy White on 0208 370 7250 or at tommy.white@btguk.com

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