Independent furniture retailer to relocate stores into larger space

Independent furniture retailer Solent Beds and Furniture has revealed plans to relocate one of its Isle of Wight stores to a larger unit.

Solent Beds and Furniture has occupied a store on Savoy Court, Town Lane, in Newport for the last 10 years and has now decided to expand.

It will take over the former Poundstretcher and Courts Furniture Store building on Newport High Street.

The company also trades from its Lake superstore on Lake Industrial Way and a Clearance Outlet on Riverway Industrial Estate.

Both leases at the Riverway and Savoy Court stores are set to expire, with the retailer taking the decision to merge the two sites into a larger location.

The company is currently implementing a ‘comprehensive internal refurbishment’, which is expected to open ‘soon’ after acquiring the premises at auction last month.

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